Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Vote on November 6th

I’ve said it before and I continue to believe it: for the Christian living in North America, voting is not only a right and a privilege, but also a God-given responsibility. God has sovereignly placed you in a unique position of authority. You decide who our leaders will be. You have the ability to affect who will lead you, your family, your children and your brothers and sisters in Christ. When you fail to exercise your right to vote, you are still morally culpable for the leaders who are voted in.

Therefore, I encourage you to vote next Tuesday, November 6. To assist you in that endeavor, here are a few tools to help you make an informed decision. 

First, here is a site that allows you to see what your ballot will look like:
https://www.pollvault.com/. It doesn’t have all the candidates on the ballot, but most of the contested races.

Second, voting guides can be helpful. The Illinois Family Institute’s voting guide can be found here: http://illinoisfamily.org/110files/uploads/2012/01/IFI_General-VG-2012_district-18.pdf (if Aaron Schock is your congressman, you are in Congressional District 18).

Finally, viewing endorsements of other groups can help you find out more about candidates. If it is important to you to find pro-life candidates, The Illinois Right to Life candidate information can be found here: http://www.illinoisrighttolife.org/CandidateInformation.htm. If you like to read about candidates understanding of local issues, the Peoria-Journal Star’s endorsements can also be helpful: http://www.pjstar.com/opinions/endorsements (these endorsements are provided for your research and should not be read as my own personal endorsement for any candidate).

May God bless you as you seek to glorify Him in the voting booth this next week!

By His Grace,

Pastor Daniel

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pastor Daniel,

    My name is Molly Sipling and I work with Moody Publishers. I could not find an e-mail address, so I am contacting you through this comment to let you know that we have recently released a book that we think might interest you. "The Global Orphan Crisis" by Diane Elliot is a unique book that emphasizes the global crisis as well as very practical ways to get involved. As Diane points out, the need is overwhelming, the workers are few, but if we are willing we can be part of the global orphan solution and make a difference in the life of an orphaned child now and for all eternity. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting child.

    We would be honored if you would be willing to post a review of "The Global Orphan Crisis", feature the book in a blog post or possibly include this book in a list of resources. We would like to send you a copy of the book in either an eBook format or a physical copy. If this is of interest to you, please let me know what format you would prefer. You can contact me at molly.sipling@moody.edu if you are interested.

    Thank you for your time!

    Molly Sipling
